Our Needs
How can you help on a day-to-day basis?
Barnabas has a limited income (few of our children are able to pay school fees), so we rely on donations for the day-to-day running of the orphanage and school. See below for details of what we need.
See also our Projects Page for details of projects that require capital (one-off) investment.
For contact information please click here.
Sponsor a child
Many of our students are not able to pay their school fees. In order for us to be sustainable, we are looking for sponsors for our most vulnerable kids.
Sponsoring a child means paying $59 per Term (3 times a year) for their school fees, their lunch in school as well as notebooks and stationary.
We will regularly connect you to your students, send you updates on their wellbeing and their progress in school.

Feeding and sanitation
We have more than 50 orphans and over 500 vulnerable children to take care of.
52 orphans stay in the orphanage, it costs $ 1.50 to feed an orphan for a day. It costs $ 78 to feed 52 orphans for a day and $ 2,340 to feed the same for a month. To give lunch to a vulnerable child costs $ 0.80.
Our children also need detergent for their washing, soap and sanitary towels for our girls. A well wisher may donate in kind or send a donation for the same.
Medical care
We have a health facility which takes care of our children health wise. Sometime the ailment in our children is severe so then we need to take them to a specialist. Treatment depends on the degree of ailment and the disease at which the child is sick about. We also perform regular medical check up to our children. It costs $ 100 for a medical to make a routine check up at least once in a month of all children in the orphanage.

Reading and writing material
Most of our children come from very poor backgrounds. Their parents or guardians cannot afford to buy reading and writing materials. Some families can't even afford a single pen, which costs less than $ 0,05.
Many children therefore come to school without books, and writing materials. You may join hand with us to buy stationery for our children monthly, quarterly or even yearly.
Salaries for teachers and caretakers
We have a team of 35 dedicated teachers, caretakers and helpers in our two centers.
Each teacher earns between $ 115 and $ 140 per month. Two of our teachers have pals who support by paying their salaries. We would appreciate if you could partner with one or even two teachers and support us with paying salaries for them.
We have two kitchen mothers who cook and one night guard who take care of our children. It costs $ 80.50 to pay one kitchen mother each month. Our watchman earns the same. You may support paying one kitchen mother each month or as a one-off.
It means so much.